Download Software : Software
Model: DSO5102P
Sample Rate: Real-Time Sample: 1GS/s
Equivalent Sample: 25GS/s
Average: Wavefom Average, selectable 4,8,16,32,64,128
Inputs Coupling: AC, DC, GND
Inpits Impendance: 1MΩ±2% ‖20pF±3pF
Probe Attenuation: 1X, 10X
Supported Probe Attenuation Factor: 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
Sample Rate Range: 500MS/s--1GS/s
Waveform Interpolation: (sin x)/x
Record Length: 40K
SEC/DIV Range: 2ns/div to 80s/div
(Sample Rate and Delay Time Accuracy: ±50ppm(at over any ≥1ms time interval
Vertical Resolution: 8-bit resolution, all channel sampled simultaneously
Rise Time at BNC( typical):3.5ns
Math: +, -, *, /, FFT
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تلفن پشتیبانی: ۵۸۱۴۹۹۹۹ ۰۲۱