PCA8561BHN / AY IC is classified as display driver ICs. This IC is a product of NXP USA Inc. This IC is used for LCD monitors. It is configured as a seven-segment + DP and 14-segment + DP + AP and dot matrix, and its user interface is I²C and SPI. The number of characters or its digit is 4 characters, 9 characters and 72 elements. Its supply voltage is 1.8 volts to 5.5 volts and its current consumption is 1.8 microamperes. Package and footprint of this IC is 32-HVQFN-5x5 with surface installation or SMD. The operating temperature range of this IC is in the negative range of 40 degrees Celsius to 105 degrees Celsius. You can read the manufacturer's description of this product by clicking on the manufacturer's brand. Iran Calcutta, as a provider of goods and services in the field of IC electronics, has included PCA8561BHN / AY in its product portfolio
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