- اندازهگیری توان اکتیو ،توان راکتیو ، توان ظاهری ،ضریب توان PF ، زاویه فاز ( Φ) و
انرژی سیستم های تک فاز و سه فاز بالانس شده- True RMS ولتاژ و جریان
- اندازهگیری جریان تا 1500A تحلیل هارمونیکی ولتاژ و جریان )از - th 50-1 )
- آنالیز هارمونیک کلی %THD-F دیاگرام گرافیکی فازور حافظه - - 5000 مورد و
اتصال به کامپیوتر با کابل
Graphic Power Quality Analyzer
- Product Features
- Analysis for Single Phase and Balanced 3 phase system
- True RMS Value (V and I)
- Active Power (K,KW,MW,GW)
- Apparent (VA,KVA,MVA) and Reactive Power (VAR,KVAR,MVAR)
- Power Factor (PF), Phase Angle( Φ )
- Programmable PT(1 to 3000)Ratios
- Display of Overlapped Voltage and Current Waveform
- Maximum Demand (MD in W,KW,MW) with programmable Period
- Harmonic Analysis (V and I) to 50th Order
- Display of 25 Harmonics in one screen
- Optical Isolated RS-232C Interface
- Smart Datalogging to save Battery
- Datalogging of 32,64,128 or 256 points/cycles
- Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (%THD-F)
- Graphic Phasor Diagram
- Capture 128 Transient Events (Time+Cycles+Faults) with Programmable Threshold(%),also can be reviewed in LCD
- 50000 Records with Programmable Interval (1 to 6000 seconds)
- Real-time Output of Waveform, Power Parameters and Harmonics at Command
- Large Dot Matrix LCD Display with Backlight
- Power for Long-term Monitoring
- Built -in Calendar Clock for Data Logging